Industry 4.0


The investment plan related to Industry 4.0 represents Beschi’s constant commitment to provide an excellent service to its customers, with modern, innovative and up-to-date solutions also in terms of digitalization. These investments are very important in view of Industry 4.0, i.e. an industry increasingly connected, automated and perfectly managed, able to combine an important manual and craft tradition with the best of technology available.

The renewal of the machinery began in 2017. To date, 70% of our presses have been renewed with latest-generation equipment, leading to a 20% improvement in production efficiency.


Beschi has also strongly invested in terms of digital innovation, allowing to computerize and interconnect 100% of all its internal processes:

  • insertion of customer-supplier orders;
  • elaboration of the MRP;
  • work plan scheduling;
  • loading;
  • destination with delivery date of the finished product;
  • sale to the customer.

The final result in favor of customers is therefore characterized by greater flexibility, greater speed, better productivity and quality with less waste, better punctuality in the execution of orders.