
A continuous evolution in plastic molding

Beschi was born in 1972 in Castel Goffredo (in the province of Mantua) by the founders Beschi Luigi and Ballasina Giulia, with the intention of undertaking a new working experience in the field of plastic molding. The happy intuition to introduce themselves on the territory with an innovative and unique activity, led Beschi in a few years to supply many companies in northern Italy on behalf of third parties.

Located in the district of women’s hosiery, Beschi has therefore specialized in the production with its own brand of plastic accessories for the textile industry and, at the same time, has created a new product line of accessories for metal furniture, supplying important companies of indoor and outdoor furniture.

The turning point towards automation

Over the years the number of presses continued to increase until, in 1990, with the arrival of the grown-up children and partners Loredana, Oscar and Gabriella, the company expanded the plant in order to include automation systems in the production.

In 1997  the partners’ great idea gave a technologically innovative turning point that led Beschi to be the first in Europe to produce tubes and cones for yarn in two colors and to be known throughout Europe and, thanks to international exhibitions, all over the world.

Beschi in the present

The evolution continues in 2000 with the construction of the new office building, and in 2018 with the introduction of new machinery suitable for Industry 4.0. The importance of the use and reuse of plastic materials is the goal of Beschi Srl for the future, proposing more and more eco-sustainable items, produced with recycled materials.