Plastic accessories and circular economy: Beschi’s example in waste reduction

simbolo del riciclo stilizzato con pezzetti di plastica

How to reconcile the circular economy model with plastics production

The circular economy and plastics production are topics of great importance, topicality and intense debate. It is crucial to address them with an innovative and sustainable approach, especially in the plastics industry, which is often the focus of criticism for its environmental impact. However, we often forget that the invention of plastics has revolutionized and improved human daily life, with an impact on almost every sector of industry and society.

To address today’s environmental challenges, the circular economy model has been proposed as a general approach that can be applied to any productive sector. The idea behind the circular economy is to “close the loop” by ensuring that materials and resources remain in use for as long as possible through processes of reuse, repair, recycling, and recovery.

Let’s see how Beschi tries to combine the production of plastic accessories for the textile industry with the circular economy model, using environmentally friendly materials for the production of cylindrical tubes, textile cone accessories and other plastic accessories.

What is a circular economy for plastics?

circular economy symbol in plasticsThe circular economy of plastics refers to an economic model that aims to minimize the waste and environmental impact of plastics production and consumption by trying to keep plastics in circulation for as long as possible, rather than disposing of them after a single use.

To achieve this, plastic items should be designed and manufactured so that they can be reused or recycled at the end of their useful life. This implies a change of perspective in product design and manufacturing processes, with a greater focus on the durability, repairability and recyclability of products.

In addition, this model promotes the use of recycled plastic as a raw material, thereby reducing the need for virgin plastic and providing a solution for the reuse of plastic waste.

Is it possible to combine plastic injection molding and circular economy?

The company Beschi is a clear example of how plastic injection molding and circular economy can be combined. Sustainability, which is not only a fundamental pillar of Beschi’s mission and a constant orientation of its activities, is increasingly becoming a distinctive and relevant element of its business proposition.

Beschi’s commitment to the environment has taken the form of making its products, processes and working environment more sustainable over the years. Increasing the sustainability of the end product is not only a goal to be pursued, but an ongoing commitment and responsibility. All plastic accessories produced are accompanied by data sheets specifying the type of material used in their manufacture, essential information for proper disposal and recycling. In addition, the use of mono-material makes them 100% recyclable, and the use of scraps from production processes allows for complete material recovery.

black line eco tubeFor this purpose, the “ECO” line of accessories for the textile industry, made entirely of 100% recycled plastic, and the “BLACK” line of tubes have been created. The latter are obtained by means of bi-material injection molding, which makes it possible to obtain tubes that are less expensive without sacrificing color, an indispensable element for the yarn to be wound.

By recognizing both the revolutionary importance of plastics to human progress and the environmental challenges they pose, a balance can be struck between production and sustainability. The adoption of the circular economy model in the production of plastic accessories for the textile industry is an important step in this direction.

If you would like more information about Beschi’s services and products, please contact the company. We will contact you as soon as possible!